Friday, December 17, 2010

New Beginnings

I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite awhile, but every time I talk myself out of it thinking that nobody would really be interested in following it.  But then the other day, my friend Claire suggested that I start one and it got me thinking (again!) that I really should.  Our friends and family are spread all across the country and this is a great way to stay in touch with the small, everyday details of life in the ditch.

Disclaimer:  I don't know if I'm going to be any good at this.  But I promise to tell it like it is (I guess I wouldn't really be Andrea if I didn't) and I invite you to laugh and cry along with me as I share some of our life with you.

First post:  My mom is here visiting for Christmas and is helping a lot with the kids.  I asked her to get Jonas up from his nap this morning and after a few minutes, I heard shrieks of laughter coming from his room.  When I went to see what was happening, this is what I found:

I love laughing kids.  And I love my mom.


  1. hahahaha...way to go Mumma. Your kids are so beautiful Wan. I can't wait to meet Jonas...he'll be so grown up by the time I get there.

  2. I love that you are doing this!!! I'm glad you'll tell it like it is. That video is awesome, what cuties!
