Friday, June 17, 2011

Jonas on the move ... sort of

Jonas will be 10 months old at the end of June but he is still not crawling.  You've got to feel a bit sorry from him because he's had absolutely no help from us.  I remember when Kara was starting to move around, I would get on the floor with her and help her arms and legs to move the right way and I would crawl for her to show her how it was done.
Kara in June 2009
But Jonas gets none of that.  When I see him starting to rock on his hands and knees I think "oh no, he's almost crawling!"  And that means a whole lot more work for me!!
But even though he's not officially crawling, he is moving around.  He has figured out how to push himself around on his tummy on the slide-y hardwood floors.  He pushes himself backwards and then finds himself stuck under furniture because he couldn't see where he was going.

If we could get him to go forwards instead, he would mop up his drool puddles as he goes, but because he goes backwards, there is a lovely little slug trail to show us where he has gone!

And finally, he has been doing lots of acrobats in his crib lately too because we've been finding him in all sorts of strange positions when we go to get him.  After his morning nap today, this is how I found him.  I was wondering why he was fussing so much in there!

Jonas sitting facing the corner of his crib, one arm out of his sleepsack, hunched over his stuffed bear, sound asleep.


  1. He doesn't look like he's complaining about being stuck under that chair! I totally hear ya on not encouraging the moving as much with the 2nd kid :)

  2. p.s that is a cute red diaper sticking out of his pants!

  3. oh WAIT that is Kara! :) oops. cute red diaper sticking out of HER pants. :)

  4. I love it! Zane is finally figuring out how to crawl now, but he is so fat he is really really slow! He often shimmies around on his back using his head and his feet and arching his back. The problem is, he too can't see where he is going, so he inevitably hits his head on a wall or a table leg and starts crying. I"m so ready for him to crawl so I can stop rescuing him! :-) Aren't they hilarious!
