Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Did I mention that I was pregnant?  I'm sure you've heard by now ... news travels fast!  We have finally hit the halfway point and I think I've made a turning point too.  I'm down to only one pill (anti-vomitting drug) a day and only random vomiting :)  I'm feeling kicks on a regular basis and we are beginning to think about names.  I had an ultrasound this morning and we saw our little miracle - legs crossed and hands in front of his/her face.  Pretty cute considering it's still fairly alien looking!

I'm really feeling like this baby is a gift for us - a bonus gift.  I know all of our children have been gifts (all seven of them) but this one feels like the icing on the cake.  We have longed for a third child, but had decided that we were content with just two.  I was worried about my "advanced maternal age" (blech!) and so we had given ourselves a timeline about how long we would try for another one - as long as I would be 35, I was OK with that.  Well, this baby will arrive 8 short weeks shy of my 36th birthday.  Thank you Jesus for giving us the desires of our heart - You know us and You love us!  I am thankful.


  1. Andrea - I love how that worked out too. Thanks God for such a gift!! You look incredibly beautiful too!

  2. I love this picture. So special.
    I am so excited for you...and Curtis and the kids, too.
    Thrilled that you get to be a mommy to another precious child of God. Amazing.
